Natural dog health made easy

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If you have the basics of natural dog health covered, you might be looking for more advanced tactics to keep your dog healthy. Sort of like advanced dog training, taking a more advanced approach to dog health includes those things that are really good for your dog but aren’t things you’re already doing.

  1. Schedule health screenings with your vet. As your vet gets older, there are specific checks your vet needs to perform. By keeping on schedule with them, you’ll often find that you can prevent future problems with natural dog health options instead of having go straight to medications (because you catch problems early).
  2. Use essential oils like those by Young Living Oils to optimize your dog’s health. They offer blends for everything from anxiety to good health.
  3. Keep your dog’s mind occupied. Just like with people, keeping your dog’s brain active keeps your whole dog naturally healthy. Interactive dog toys are a great tool to use to keep your dog busy.

What do you use for natural dog health?

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